Sean is more optimistic when he looks at the claw marks by the lake, thinking their pack is stronger. If Sean got Nicholas suspicious by leaving some/regular traces, she'll manage to save them from being caught in time. Daniel suggests his power could help the brothers sometime. If Lyla is not called in Episode 2, she will post a photo of her with Daniel, saying she's thinking of him. Mushroom will run away in fear. Sean catches Daniel and Chris in the living room, playing with toys using the power. Inquiry into the Approach of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Devolved Government on European Union Issues SESSION 2001/2002 SECOND REPORT. The easiest way to succeed is to choose the option "Happy Halloween!" Chris will initially believe that he did it but will turn and see Daniel's hand outstretched, making him realize that Daniel is the one who actually did it. Sean helps Daniel with the dishes and Daniel in return helps with the water tanks. Sean angrily tells Daniel to stop using the power immediately. Jacob will mention that Daniel was in shock. Daniel uses his power to set the plates while Claire isn't watching. During the argument with Claire, she will mention blasphemy among the things she put up with. Sean has the additional choice to slightly comfort Daniel. -, You pretended you didn't know anything. Sean can find Daniel, eventually playfully scaring him if he manages to get him from behind. Daniel says he's no longer having nightmares about Lisbeth. Daniel grows up in Mexico, using his powers to commit crimes and keep surviving on his own. Leave the room - you get a task from Claire to make the laundry. Esteban gives Sean $20 and scolds him for lying. Sean and Daniel surrender and are both arrested. Jacob and Pharaoh. Agent Flores will ask Sean about Cassidy's involvement in the heist. TEXT CUT BOOK Keep Your Card in Tins Poilet Books will be issued only on presentation of proper library cards. In Life is Strange 2, the player (as Sean) must guide Daniel, who has the power of telekinesis, through various moral and ethical choices that will influence how he will use his powers to help or hinder the player as the game progresses. Caused by: Sean offering his help and Daniel having Low Brotherhood or Sean not interacting with Daniel at all. Chris guides them through a backwoods shortcut that avoids the police entirely. Life is Strange: Before the Storm. If Sean replies he does not have faith, Lisbeth will say "So Daniel was wrong?". Sean writes in his sketchbook about how he hated to be called a "cop killer" by the guard and how he may be giving more reasons for the police to be against him. Daniel isn't charged due to his age, but he's monitored by the authorities. Daniel will note to Sean how he helped him twice, if Sean makes him beg outside afterwards. Daniel will stop the snowball with his powers and get angry at Sean. If Sean reveals that he agreed to the heist while in the lake, Cassidy will storm off and take his flashlight. Contributes more meaningly to getting closer to Cassidy. Esteban and Daniel will both be surprised by Sean's decision. Sean will steal a truck with Finn and Daniel and break into Merrill's house with them. He will only mention stealing from the gas station if Sean attempted to steal the gear, but chose to run, instead of attacking Hank. Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality during the game's finale. Sean will not be able to check the news, Brody's blog, or log in to his social media account. Lisbeth will use the heist while arguing with Sean to accuse him of being "sinful". Sean will be more optimistic while looking around Haven Point before seeing Daniel, since he has faith. Sean promises that Chris is fine since the accident wasn't fatal, to Daniel's ease. Sean says it's important to focus on the present. Life Is Strange 2 takes place in the same universe as the previous games Life Is Strange (2015) and Life Is Strange: Before the Storm (2017). Daniel won't tell Claire that they went to the Christmas market. Daniel comes out of his hiding spot and Sean loses the game. -, Daniel was too upset to enjoy his presents. Contributes 1 point to whether Daniel will steal from Brody (3 or more points required). Daniel will be slightly comforted by the promise. Claire will be slightly offended and storm off. Cassidy will ask Sean if he has a crush on her. If Sean took it from Lisbeth's house, the raccoon sweater can be seen inside Karen's trailer, hung on a wardrobe handle. Almost everyone will suggest you to play them in release order, which means: Life is Strange. - 10%, You didn't get involved in Charles's problems. After getting in, Daniel will ask Sean what happened to his face, and Sean will reply that 'that old bastard happened.'. Sean pretends he doesn't know what Stephen is talking about. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he's only sad about leaving Chris all alone. He forces the car through the blockade, leading to Sean's death, so Daniel goes to live in Puerto Lobos alone, using the power to survive. Stealing an item without getting Daniel involved is impossible for Sean, because of Doris watching him on the alert. Daniel will not enjoy his Christmas present(s). Sean can find the wristband from Finn in Daniel's room, while exploring Lisbeth's house, and sadly comment how Daniel probably misses Finn. Daniel will blame Sean for asking to protect the secret and causing him to be too repressed to save Chris. Before reaching the gas station, Daniel will scold Sean for never believing him, using the incident with Brett as an example. Sean not having faith is already confirmed for the time being. When Sean ask questions but reacts negatively at the most of them. To get this outcome, get all the heroes and villains correct, but do not ask for details about Chris's dad. Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to kill the officers and Daniel having Low Morality or High Morality and High Brotherhood. Daniel can talk about Mushroom being in heaven with Claire's deceased dog in a background conversation. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel not to mess with the scorpion and Daniel having Low Morality. Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are freed. Time for another story-related choice: "Hide the secret" or "Tell the Truth". Since Chris' costume has red elements, Daniel's "wild animal" makeup is done using red dye to match the appearance code. The sun will go dark and the seas will turn to blood. Caused by: Not interacting with, or losing to, the claw game in the gas station store. Caused by: Daniel having Low Brotherhood during the game's finale. If you miss a second time, Finn will try to give Sean some advice on how to aim better. Sean encourages Daniel to keep studying, to which he reluctantly complies. In his dream, Sean can come out to Esteban by revealing he kissed a boy. If Sean condones the behavior or doesn't confront Daniel about Brody's toy, Daniel will steal Chris' submarine. Daniel and Sean are forced to flee while the cop gets out of the car to deal with Chris. It's up to you to find a balance between . . This choice confirms Sean not having faith for the time being. In Sean's dream, Esteban will mention it. Lyla's page will be filled with well wishes and one hate post from the school's Spotted page saying she is "cray cray.". He gets out of the car to properly get rid of the blockade and grows up with Sean in Puerto Lobos, using the power to protect them both. Chris will give Daniel his cape because he believes he is the real superhero, then show the brothers a secret passage through the "Troll Forest" to escape the police. Caused by: Sean cutting the conversation short or being hard on Karen. Sean agrees to help Joan set up her new sculpture. Sean and Daniel are able to bury Mushroom's body. Sean catches Daniel and Chris in the living room, playing with toys using the power . Sean doesn't let Daniel go on and says he can make his own version. If the price for Sean's articles is slightly too big for him to afford, Doris will let Sean buy all the things anyway, warmly stating it's not much and the brothers look like they could use a break. Go down to the kitchen and move to the grandmother sitting at the table - choose "Join for breakfast". Certain optional events or choices will change the character of Sean or Daniel over the course of the game. Caused by: Sean asking for help and Daniel having Low Brotherhood or Sean not interacting with Daniel at all. - 42%, Overall, Daniel was repressed from using his power. Daniel will be pessimistic and complain about the forest being awful the next day. If Sean surrenders at the border and Daniel refuses, he will pause, then promise Sean that everything will be all right, before ramming ahead. Since Daniel never got the raccoon sweater, the lime green shirt will be inside Daniel's closet in Lisbeth's house. Sean goes easy on the boys and keeps talking to Chris about the power with some approval. Daniel doesn't have to consider killing the officers. Caused by: Sean's request to stop lying and Daniel having High Morality while leaving the Christmas Market. He will see conspiracy theories surrounding the brothers. Sean misses the opportunity to set a moral example for Daniel. Karen will come a few seconds later. Click here for Season 2 overall consequences. Daniel will comment on how there is a lot to eat. The brothers will run off, and Chris's fate is unknown until much later. Sean tells Daniel Lisbeth must be having nightmares about him (, Sean says Lisbeth is lucky and without Daniel she's powerless. One of the brothers got food from the family. Caused by: Sean asking for help and Daniel having Low Brotherhood. Caused by: Sean not helping Daniel over the log in the forest. In Life is Strange 2 though, you spend all five episodes teaching your brother about the world and how to deal with his powers. Sean doesnt forgive Karen and tells her off. Daniel will be delighted Sean listened to his suggestions. Caused by: Sean helping Daniel over the log in the forest. Sean either stops believing or continues not to have faith. - 5%, You told Daniel to stop lying to Chris about his power. saying "Fucking A!" Sean will be thankful to know that Chris is fine. Jacob writes a letter to Sean, explaining that he used the money to pay a month's rent in advance for a nice room in a coastal beach town, and that Sarah Lee is doing better with antibiotics. Brothers share a lighthearted moment as Sean allows them to prank Nick and throw a pile of snow onto him using Daniel's power. Sean doesn't complete the optional sketch in the market. Penny won't mention the coffee at the party. 5.2. Daniel stands over the ledge while walking down the canyon. If Sean took it from Lisbeth's house, the lime green shirt can be seen inside Karen's trailer, hung on a wardrobe handle. While Daniel sounds annoyed by the outcome, this does not count toward him getting angry and pouting by the fire. Sean asks Daniel to lower the TV volume at the motel, to which Daniel complies. Kudos: 13 Bookmarks: Sean and Daniel escape the station without stealing supplies and harming Hank. Chad will take Daniel's Etch-a-Sketch tablet instead, and it may be broken if Sean attempts to forcibly take it back. He refuses, if Sean chooses to cross the border. Sean's optional dialogues at the hospital indicate he's only partially responsible for how things turned out. Daniel is told to run, and he will flee without getting involved. If Sean didn't call Lyla back in Episode 1, he will not know that she is in a clinic. Life is Strange 2 Episode 2: Rules - Not As I Do Xbox One, PS4, PC After completing Life is Strange 2 Episode 1: Roads, I was extremely optimistic about the direction developer DONTNOD were taking. Sean will not be able to enter Cassidy's tent even if he kisses her, as Finn and Daniel will approach Sean at the campsite and Cassidy will get mad. Daniel is startled and he refuses to do so. Ordered by The Committee of the Ce or "Fuck Puerto Lobos!". Life Is Strange 2 Episode 2 Remind The Rules and talk to Daniel VS Concede Choice Karen is more warm and supportive towards the brothers and their goal. Either way, he is inconsolable and too upset to enjoy his Christmas presents. Sean asks Daniel to get rid of the officers. Once Hank grabs him, Sean attacks Hank by kicking him in the face, then his back. - 33%, Daniel didn't blame anyone since Chris was fine. The three reveal the plan, angering Cassidy and causing her to storm off. Daniel keeps his power a secret from Claire and Stephen. Daniel apologizes to the unconscious officer. And maybe if I remind you" "Shut up!" roared Jeek. The newspaper headline in the cabin will be "GAS STATION OWNER CONFRONTS FUGITIVES" and the article will emphasize Hank's alleged desire to help them if Sean didn't steal. When speaking to Hank Stamper in the back room of Bear Station, Sean can choose to say, "It hurts" or "You kidnapped me!" You will have an easier time getting this outcome if you call Daniel out straight away. Sean gave Cassidy a dollar at the Christmas Market in Episode 2. Sean will draw a romantic sketch of Cassidy in the hospital, regardless of whether she cut ties with him or not. Sean draws Cassidy as she plays on her guitar. Sean drew Cassidy and told her it's people like her who give him inspiration. If Sean called Lyla back in Episode 1, she will write comments defending the brothers. Daniel will blame Sean for asking to protect the secret and causing him to be too repressed to save Chris. Daniel goes to sit on top of the rock at the end of the day, and Sean can choose to watch clouds together. If Sean stays to get a haircut, his speaking mannerism will slightly reflect his state. Merrill will tell Sean that he should be pulling more for his weight. You can also use the sink to clean up before going down. If it is not already running, launch the Steam application. The choices made during the episode, along with comparisons with friends and global statistics on choices made will be revealed to the player at the end of each episode. Sean tells Daniel there's no need to study since the brothers are their own teachers now, to which Daniel happily agrees. Sean will say he paid for the pin if he chooses to take it. Choosing "You kidnapped me!" If Sean condones the behavior or doesn't confront Daniel about Brody's toy in Episode 1, Daniel will place the toy on the nightstand in the Reynolds' guestroom. Daniel will lament that he thinks Chris hates him for lying. Sean will tell Finn off and either say that he has it too easy by saying sorry, or was being too selfish. For this particular metric, it is fine to tell Daniel "no" in the forest, even if he seems annoyed by that answer. Daniel will wear the raccoon sweater that Sean stole. When Sean didn't ask questions inside or outside. Sean hit the bullseye or the target while knife-throwing (The former being an option which gives a better boost to impressing Finn). Caused by: Waking Big Joe up after breaking the engine or slashing the tires of the car. Sean then hangs up, watches an old family Christmas video on his phone, then throws it off the balcony. If Sean has a high intimacy level with Cassidy, she will tell him that she likes him and Sean will have a chance to ignore her advances or say he likes her too. Life is Strange 2 Free Download Repacklab Suddenly, sixteen year-old Sean is responsible for Daniel's safety, shelter, and teaching him right from wrong. Daniel asks Sean if they're both criminals now. He can read two blog posts that anonymously mention Sean and Daniel and wish them well. They flee the. Cassidy will assist Sean in stealing a truck from Big Joe and follow Finn and Daniel into Merrill's house with him. When Sean walks over to check Campbell's pulse, Daniel gets scared that he might've killed the officer, waiting until Sean confirms he's fine. The police radio will only mention Sean and Daniel. Daniel will not help you with the water tanks. Caused by: Sean interacting with Daniel in any way and Daniel having Low Brotherhood or Sean not interacting with Daniel at all. The protagonist Sean Diaz is presented with different choices in the form of available action or dialogue options and optional interactions, which can stop the scene and freeze time if it is a major choice. Sean confidently says they aren't, since they only did what they had to. Chris guides them through a backwoods shortcut that avoids the police entirely. The only effect is that Lyla will comment he has been practicing. If Sean replies he has faith, Lisbeth will accuse Sean of lying. Daniel successfully uses his powers to force them through the border against Sean's wishes, leading to Sean being shot and killed. The protagonist Sean Diaz is presented with different choices in the form of available action or dialogue options and optional interactions, which can stop the scene and freeze time if it is a major choice. Sean cannot talk about his past to the others, a separate scene where Daniel talks about his problems happens instead. Life is Strange 2 is essentially one prolonged, terrible road trip. If Sean tells Daniel in Brody's car they can't keep the puppy, Daniel will remind him how he said that maybe they could. Sean is more melancholic when he looks at the claw marks by the lake, reflecting on how Daniel's no longer afraid of wild animals. Sean expresses relief that it's run out of batteries. If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will remind Sean he said Heaven and God existed. Finn will comment that Sean is not a ninja. . Daniel won't tell Sean that he still likes the watch. Officer Campbell arrives and de-escalates the situation, threatening to "get mean" if there's any more fighting. Sean will remind Daniel not to use his powers in front of other people. If Daniel notices that, he'll get irritated that Sean's cheating and start over. Daniel is more confident about his power while talking to Sean before boarding the train. Officer Campbell mentions the fire while interrogating Sean. If Lyla is called in Episode 2 as well, she will post a photo of her with Sean, saying she's thinking of him. Episode 1 introduced us to the emotional story of what happens when two young brothers lose their father and learn that the younger boy, 9-year-old Daniel, has supernatural powers. Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having High Morality. I know that in order to do this, Daniel . Only this response has any effect on Daniel (that effect being teaching Daniel the immoral attitude). His and Sean's conversation in the car, before the final decision, feels more uncertain. If Sean steals the donated yo-yo, he can compensate by replacing it with one of the handmade items. Daniel uses his abilities to attack Lisbeth with the intention of ending her life. Last update: Wednesday, July 3, 2019 . In the motel room while Sean runs a bath, Daniel will call the condom gross when he finds it in his new bag. (Note: Sean can be intoxicated after this interaction is unlocked by smoking or drinking quickly before he begins to talk.). Chris will jump in the path of the police car. Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality and Low Brotherhood. This allows Sean to slip out of the hospital before the guard returns from his break. Caused by: Breaking into the truck through the back window. While Joey cleans up Sean's eye, Sean has to respond. It is unclear if the officer is injured but he exits the car, alive. In the latest chapter . After Daniel says he feels like in prison, Sean can dismiss his complains, ordering him to be silent instead. The game still records he didn't wait. Caused by: Daniel having High Morality, eventually High Morality and Low Brotherhood. Watch a cut-scene after which you have to make a choice - "Remind the rules" or "Concede". She even confesses to taking sleeping pills to deal with the stress. Sean is beaten up by Chad until Mike eventually intervenes and helps Sean escape. Finn will try to give Sean some advice on how to aim better. At the motel, Daniel will place a toy he stole from Brody on the nightstand after Sean examines something. Caused by: Failing to convince Joey after obtaining a grab bar from the bathroom and choosing to attack him with it. In modern times it is often linked with conspracies and secret societies, largely because of its appearance in US government symbols (most notably on the $1 bill). Daniel didn't take out his anger on the photo of the family. Claire will pray alone while Sean and Daniel watch respectfully. - 10%, You had an honest conversation with Charles about his problems. Sean and Daniel encounter Chris in his backyard while running from the Police, he gives Daniel his Captain Spirit cape and directs them to a path where the cops won't find them. Karen tearfully cleans up Sean's wound in silence. After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven. in particular, the elderly. The brothers will not be able to bury Mushroom. Daniel is grossed out by the bathroom but doesn't need to urinate at night. Cassidy will not comment on Sean listening to her song. Chris is hit by a Police car if Daniel didn't tell him the truth earlier. Go to the washing machine and press the "Wash" button. Karen is horrified by Daniel murdering Lisbeth. If thrown at Daniel twice, he will use his powers to hurl it into Sean's face. To succeed, Sean must choose two of the other three dialogue options presented and not anger the father or cause the brothers to seem suspicious during those conversations. Since Life is Strange: Before the Storm spoils some of the biggest surprises of Life is Strange, we recommend new players to play the games in order of release, instead of in chronological order. Daniel will comment the prayer thing was weird. Sean promises that Chris is fine since the accident wasn't fatal, to Daniel's ease. Date: Caused by: Talking to the church members outside and either choosing the wrong dialogue options or walking off too soon. These laws were created to discriminate and disenfranchise blacks. Sean says it's not the time and he's not in the mood, or completely ignores Daniel's request to play. For example, they will say "Heaven is not real", instead of "Heaven is bullshit". He may not feel sorry about breaking the door to Karen's room. This will not, however, make him actually terrified later in the night. Sean reassures Daniel it will only end with a headache. The brothers talk about what Sean did. Sean catches Daniel and Chris in the living room, playing with toys using the power. This content requires the base game Life is Strange 2 on Steam in order to play. If Sean has not yet helped with chores, Claire will suggest it to him as she leaves the house to run errands. Caused by: Not gathering enough nutritious food to eat before checking out the map. This groundbreaking book explains why women experience burnout differently than menand provides a simple, science-based plan to help women minimize stress, manage emotions, and live a more joyful life. Daniel kneels over the officer to examine him, without much care. Caused by: Sean's request to protect the secret. If Daniel told Chris the truth, Chris will help the brothers run away and give Daniel his cape. Sean quickly dismisses Daniel's whims, stating there's no way for them to have a dog at the moment. Daniel will lament that Chris must hate him now because he has been discovered in his lie. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he mentions Chris' accident. Daniel built a fort instead of collecting wood. If he didn't agree to the heist, Sean has the option to enter Cassidy's tent. Making Daniel use the bathroom at the forest entrance. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven. Caused by: Sean choosing to cross the border and Daniel having High Morality during the game's finale. If he doesn't, the two men later will comment on his injuries. Caused by: Either Sean or Daniel playing the claw game in the gas station store three times. Sean can have a "conversation" with Nick. Daniel is uncertain of what to do, while Sean says he's proud of Daniel for how much he learned. If Sean is able to talk with Lyla or tells her mom the truth, Lyla will meet Sean when he is released from prison in the, If Sean is not able to talk with Lyla and lies to her mom, Lyla will not appear in the. Daniel won't steal from Brody, unless Sean's other actions encouraged theft. Caused by: Sean cutting the conversation short or being hard on Karen during their conversation, not staying outside Sand Snake Motel, not leaving a note and not hugging Karen before leaving Away. Well, all the characters' (and target audience's) brains have already turned . Get involved in Charles 's problems Sean runs a bath, Daniel will lament he... 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