It consists of seven verses and there is no difference concerning this. ", "For there is no Malik except for Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent. Sourate Mekkoise. 1){/qluetip} Its pillars are love, hope, fear, submission and humility. [Al-Qur'an 7:169], "Therefore in conclusion only the good, wisdom and benefit is adjoined to Allah, the Exalted, whereas the evil does not pertain to him. Allah then said to them, 'Record it for my servant as he said it, then when He meets Me, I will reward him for it.' ", "Servants of Allah! ", "All praise and thanks are due to Allah. [Al-Qur'an 28:56], "And indeed you [O Muhammad] are guiding [mankind] to the Straight Path." Setelah selesai, Abu Hurairah RA berkata, âAku mencontohkan secara persis kepada kalian cara shalat Rasulullah.â Ad-Daruquthni, Al-Khatib, Al-Baihaqi, dan lainnya menshahihkan riwayat ini. Indeed in his obedience lies the Displeasure of Ar-Rahman and disobeying him necessitates residing in Paradise and the descent of Pleasure. However the correct opinion is that Jibril did indeed convey the revelation of these verses as he was enjoined by Allah to convey the entire Qur'an to the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam). And if an evil suggestion comes to you from Shaytan then seek refuge with Allah. I will surely misguide them all, except Your chosen slaves amongst them. Some of the scholars stated that al-alam [world, pl. We also understand that the action is to come at the end of the sentence for two vital reasons: Therefore it is as if the servant is saying 'I seek the help of Allah with every Name of His, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful in the action I am about to do.'. 1. {qluetip title=[37]}Ibn Majah (no. {qluetip title=[30]}As-Subki, Tabaqat ash-Shafi'iyyah (1/6) and others. [Al-Qur'an 55:1-13]. Man prays to Allah that He may show him the Straight Way and in response to this prayer Allah offers the Qur'an as the true guidance, the Straight Way which man has sought and prayed for." You have come to know that the Siddiqin are from those whom Allah has favoured. Its meaning is more general and inclusive than that of shukr, or giving thanks, because it encompasses this as well as giving the meaning of praise. This can be seen in our praising Him for praise necessitates the affirmation of everything that He is praised for such as His Perfect Attributes. 6/513 no. Trans. Know that when the servant clings to the rope of the created king he is saved from the evil of the oppressors. And the person is not considered to be one who is guided until he acts according to his knowledge in the future, but it is possible that this knowledge not be there in the future, rather it could be removed from the heart, and if it still be there it is also possible that it not be acted upon. Al-Ghadab linguistically means anger, it is the opposite of pleasure (rida) and one of the Attributes of Allah. The opinion of those who say that it means: 'increase us in guidance' includes what has preceded. [Al-Qur'an 48:1-2], "And He said with respect to Moses and Harun, 'And We gave them the clear Scripture, and guided them to the Right Path.' It is he Who feeds me and gives me to drink. 1/258 no. Ar-Razi stated that the proof for this opinion was that the verse, "seek protection with Allah" is mentioned in the imperative, that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) persisted in uttering it throughout his life and that it serves as a protective barrier from Shaytan – therefore if an obligation can only be fulfilled by a particular means then that means also becomes an obligation. 11){/qluetip}. It is He Who will cause me to die and then bring me back to life. "{qluetip title=[76]}Sunan Abu Dawud (Eng. Kita menghadapkan segala puji bagi Allah ialah karena dari Allah sumber segala kebaikan yang kita peroleh. 92){/qluetip}. He said, 'Yes O Messenger of Allah.' Yet others from amongst them say that it means, 'Increase me in guidance. 2. Turn away from this! Lafal Rabb tidak dapat dipakai selain untuk Allah, kecuali kalau ada sambungannya, seperti rabbul bait (tuan rumah). Ahmad, dishahihkan oleh Al Albani dalam Shahihul Jami’ no. It is also said that it refers to every race or species of creation and to each generation of that race as stated by Qatadah and At-Tabari. As for that which is established in the heart in its taking refuge, holding fast to and its throwing itself before its Lord, its need of Him and its submission and humility before Him, then all of this is beyond description. ", "The path of those whom You have favoured", "Not the path of those who have earned [Your] Anger, nor of those who have gone astray", "Have you not considered those who make allies of a people with whom Allah has become Angry. All of them yielding to His Greatness, rendered in complete submission to His Magnificence, expectant of His recompense, hoping for His reward and fearing His punishment. "This is because the person, even if he has believed that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and that the Qur'an is the truth in a general way, is commonly in need of knowledge of that which would benefit him and harm him. Remember the favour of Allah upon you when He appointed amongst you prophets and made you kings." alamin] is derived from al-allamah or sign because the existence of the world is a sign, without doubt, of the existence of its Creator who is described with perfect and magnificent Attributes. That Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and future, complete His Favour upon you, and guide you on a Straight Path.'. Isti'adha is for the recitation in prayer – this being the opinion of Abu Hanifah and Muhammad. This is why this Surah has been made obligatory upon every servant in every prayer. [Al-Qur'an 19:76]". From the amazing qualities of Al-Fatihah is that we find that despite its few words, it contains a refutation of many principle innovations. Both recitations, of course, carry sound and good meanings however it is possible to argue that the first reading has the most comprehensive meaning as it is not possible to have sovereignty and kingship without possession, whereas there can be ownership without kingship. Allah says: "Servants of Allah! It is in this respect that Imam Ahmad said that the foundation of the religion is built upon three ahadith: For the whole religion is based upon doing the commanded actions and staying away from the forbidden actions and stopping at the doubtful matters as is contained in the hadith of Nu'man ibn Bashir. "As for the second opinion then the Arabs used to say regarding flesh that was stuck to a bone and could not be removed, 'uwwadha, because of its refusal to be dislodged from the bone. We see the Companions conquering the lands of the disbelievers and making them the lands of Islam. Bow, prostrate and worship your Lord. the Christians) who went astray in times gone by, and misled many, and have themselves strayed from the Straight Path. If they had done what they were told, it would have been better for them and would have strengthened their [faith]. Di surat tersebut Allah mengajarkan kepada hamba-hamba-Nya bagaimana mereka memuji dan menyanjung-Nya, lalu mereka meminta kepada Tuhan mereka segala yang mereka butuhkan. Al-Fatihah is a prayer from man, and the rest of the Qur'an is Allah's response to this prayer. this world) and in the end (i.e. {qluetip title=[52]}Sahih Al-Bukhari (Eng. The purpose of the Quran Tafseer is to provide elucidation, explanation, interpretation, context or commentary for clear understanding and conviction of ⦠Allah further explains to us the extreme enmity of Shaytan with His Words: It is for this reason that we have been encouraged to seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaytan. Firman Allah, “Iyyaaka na’budu.” diterangkan oleh surat Al Baqarah secara lebih rinci, di mana di sana diterangkan masalah bersuci, shalat lima waktu, shalat jama’ah, shalat khauf, shalat Ied, zakat, puasa, I’tikaf, sedekah, umrah dan haji, mu’amalah secara Islam, warisan, wasiat, berbagai masalah pernikahan, penyusuan anak, nafkah, tentang hukum qishas, diyat, memerangi pemberontak dan orang yang murtad, tentang bjihad, tentang makanan, sembelihan, sumpah, nadzar, peradilan (qadhaa’), persaksian, memerdekakan budak dsb. The one taking refuge seeks protection with the one he is seeking refuge with and sticks firmly to him. Disebutkannya isti’anah kepada Allah Ta’ala setelah ibadah memberikan pengertian bahwa seseorang tidak dapat menjalankan ibadah secara sempurna kecuali dengan pertolongan Allah Ta’ala dan menyerahkan diri kepada-Nya. 4/1462 no. [4] Rabb (tuhan) berarti Tuhan yang ditaati yang Memiliki, Mendidik, Mengurus dan Memelihara. ", "He arranges each matter from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend to Him in a Day the extent of which is a thousand years of those which you count. "Our Lord! Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reports from the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) that he said: "When the Imam says amin then say amin for indeed the one whose amin coincides with the ameen of the Angels will have his previous [minor] sins forgiven." ", "So worship Him and put your trust in Him. And from the clearest evidences pertaining to this is His saying: "Ar-Rahman. ", "[He] Who created death and life that he may test which of you is best in action. 3. Indeed your Lord loves praise. {qluetip title=[75]}Sunan Ibn Majah (no. This was clearly expressed in the supplication of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) when he said: "I am completely at Your service and doing all I can to please You. How many tragedies amongst the Muslims they were guilty of, how many Mosques were deserted and Qur'anic texts burnt, how many Muslims and their scholars were killed due to them. He will recompense them for their actions, if they were good then it will be good, if they were bad then it will be bad except for that which He Forgives for indeed the only order [on that Day] will be His order, 'Unquestionably to Him belongs the creation and the Command. It is recommended for the one who is reciting the Qur'an to say amin after having recited Al-Fatihah and after a short pause upon completing the word dallin so as to differentiate between that which is the Qur'an and that which is not. Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qurâan (Di Bawah Naungan Al-Qurâan), Sayyid Quthb. "{qluetip title=[64]}Ibn Al-Qayyim, Ad-Da'u wa'd-Dawa'u (pp. The prayer (i.e., Al-Fatihah) is divided into two halves between Me and My servants. They depended upon a number of verses like His sayings: "Indeed the male Muslims and the female Muslims, the male believers and the female believers … Allah has prepared for them a forgiveness and a great reward." [Al-Qur'an 76:3], Meaning: We have made clear to him the Way of Good and the Way of Evil as proven by His saying, "Whether he be grateful or ungrateful.". Ditambahkan rasa cinta, karena landasan yang harus ada pada seseorang ketika beribadah itu ada tiga: rasa cinta kepada Allah Ta’ala, rasa takut dan tunduk kepada Allah Ta’ala dan rasa berharap. 1/221 no. Refer to Silsilah Ahadith as-Sahihah (2/528 no. "As for the first opinion then the Arabs used to say with regards to a house that is in the shade of a tree - 'uwwadha. Refer to Al-Albani, As-Sahihah (no. Complete [your supplication] and rejoice.' [Al-Qur'an 16:9]?'. But none is granted [this quality] except those who are patient and none is granted it save one who possesses a great portion [of high moral character]. ", "The halal is clear and the haram is clear. That it is a verse of Al-Fatihah but not of any other Surah or it is part of the first verse of every Surah. ', 'And we do not know whether evil is intended for those who are on the earth, or whether their Lord desires guidance for them. Take refuge with Allah from the satans from amongst men and jinn." the Hereafter)." Demikian pula rasa takut saja tanpa disertai dengan cinta, seperti takut kepada binatang buas, maka itu tidak termasuk ibadah. 538-541){/qluetip}. As for the aspect of guidance that has been affirmed then it is the general guidance which is to make clear the Way of Truth. This confused the two [recording] Angels and they did not know how to record it. 3067){/qluetip}, "This is because the servant does not attain [the station] of praising and thanking Allah except by His tawfiq. And this explanation shows that the verse includes all the different paths of innovation and does not specify one innovation over others. To You belongs all praise and thanks as is required due to the magnificence of Your Face and greatness of Your Authority.' ", "With the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful", 'There is not a single thing except that its depositories and treasures are with Us. Therefore mankind is an alam and likewise every individual race amongst them would be an alam also, just as each generation of that race would be an alam. None upholds them except Ar-Rahman." They replied to the proponents of the first opinion by saying that the fact that the masculine gender takes prevalence over the feminine is not a matter of dispute. Therefore their effects show that they are upon the Straight Path. 'Amr ibn 'Ubayd said that it consists of eight verses and Husayn al-Ju'afi said that it consists of six verses but both of these opinions are irregular and rejected. Allah knows best." When guidance is obtained to the Straight Path then help, provision and all of the happiness that the soul seeks are obtained from Allah. [Al-Qur'an 43:76]. It is due to this that the Straight Path has been explained by some to be the way of Abu Bakr and 'Umar as has preceded. [Al-Baqarah 2:268], "So whosoever obeys him, he forsakes him and diverts him from the guidance and opens in his heart the doors to misguidance and ignominy.". "{qluetip title=[27]}Abu Dawud (Eng. ", "Alongside this the servant appends to this fear and reverence in the heart, beseeching his Lord in a state of humility and submissiveness. Its essential meaning is to flee from that which you fear will harm you to that which will safeguard you from it. It is also named Sab'ul-Mathani, the Seven Oft Repeated Verses, because they are frequently recited and indeed recited in every rak'ah of the prayer. {qluetip title=[55]}Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Ubudiyyah (pg. Shaykh Ibn l-Utheymîne : Sourate al fâtiha (lâouverture) a été nommée ainsi car câest par elle que le noble Qurâân débute.Et il a été dit quâelle est la première sourate révélée dans son entier. Trans. Therefore by saying alhamdulillah, the servant is praising and thanking Allah Alone due to His greatness, unity, perfection, His Beautiful Names and Attributes and His innumerable favours and blessings that none can encompass save He. ', "This verse comprises a [great] treasure from the treasures [of the, 'And that to your Lord is the final goal.'. The opinion of the majority of the scholars, amongst them Malik, Ash-Shafi'i and Ahmad, is that it is obligatory to recite Al-Fatihah in the prayer and that the prayer is not valid without it. Merekalah ahlul hidayah wal istiqamah (orang-orang yang memperoleh hidayah dan dapat beristiqamah), ciri jalan mereka adalah setelah mengetahui yang hak (benar), mereka mengamalkannya (belajar dan beramal). [Al-Qur'an 6:125]. To Him belongs all praise in the beginning (i.e. Allah also says: "His will be the kingdom on the Day that the trumpet is blown." Do not lift the curtain, otherwise you will be lured inside.' [O Woman!] [An-Nisa (4): 160], 'That was Our recompense for their transgression.' ', 'He meant the devils amongst men and these [other paths] are the innovations and Allah knows best. On either side of the road there is a wall in which there are open doors with curtains hanging on them. That outwardly the action be done as taught by the, That inwardly the action be done seeking the Face of Allah, as is contained in the. From the evil of what He created.' There is a great deal of difference concerning the meaning of the word alamin. The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) named him again saying, 'O Ubayy!' Linguistically ibadah is derived from abada which means to be subservient and to subjugate. [Al-Qur'an 67:29]. ', 'When you wish to read the Qur'an then seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaytan. Whenever someone intends to lift a curtain from the door another voice calls from above, 'Beware! "{qluetip title=[70]}Reported by At-Tirmidhi and Ahmad and it is sahih{/qluetip}. The same applies to the one who takes refuge for he seeks protection and cover from his enemy with the one he seeks refuge with. This implies that Allah is not the Lord over their actions and as such the affirmation of Lordship in this Surah refutes them. "The explained path is the Path of Truth and that which is other than it, turns away from the truth - and these are the paths of innovations and misguidance - may Allah protect us, by His Excellence, from travelling upon them. 4. "Allah, the Glorious and Exalted, said, 'I have divided the prayer between Myself and my servant equally and My servant shall be granted what he asked for.' ", "but they preferred blindness over guidance. 4168). I hope that He will forgive me my sin on the Day of Recompense.' By performing what He commanded and legislated; Neither by following the mere opinions of people; By asking Allah for His Help to enact this; and. That one recites it loudly as it is a part of Al-Fatihah and therefore it should be recited in the same way as the rest of the Surah. Oleh karena itulah dinamakan Ummul Kitab yang artinya induk Al Qurâan⦠Trans. 1/195 no. It teaches us to praise and glorify Allah by mentioning His beautiful and perfect Names and Attributes. At his head is the Angel commissioned [for conveying the supplication to Allah], whenever he supplicates for good for his brother the Angel says: and for you is the same." "With the Name of Allah" meaning I start with every name that belongs to Allah, the Exalted. When guidance is obtained to the Straight Path then help, provision and all of the happiness that the soul seeks are obtained from Allah. He also said that al-alamin refers to everything possessing a soul that walks on the earth. Hence the creation is subjugated by a Lord (marbub) and anything that is subjugated must necessarily be created. It is for this reason that the word hamd has been employed in this verse of Al-Fatihah. Karena surat ini begitu agung dan mulia, Allah mewajibkan hamba-hamba-Nya membacanya di setiap rak’at dalam shalat mereka baik shalat fardhu maupun sunat. Trans. [Al-Qur'an 32:10]. Wretched it is as an exchange for the wrong-doers. Al-Bayhaqi from the hadith of Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas and Abu Sa'id al-Khudri{/qluetip}. Allah says: "That Day on which the Spirit and the Angels will stand forth in rows, none shall speak except he whom the Most Beneficent allows and he will speak only that which is correct and true." 2694){/qluetip}. Your servant has said a statement and we do not know how to record it.' 44-47). It is the Day when no person shall have power [to do] anything for another." 2. I take refuge with Allah from misguidance and treachery! {qluetip title=[45]}Sahih Muslim (Eng. semua ini merupakan bab-bab syari’at yang diterangkan dalam surat Al Baqarah. [Al-Qur'an 2:247], "Moses said to his people: O my people! Surat ini juga menguatkan Aqidah Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah tentang masalah qadar, yakni bahwa semua terjadi dengan qadar Allah dan qadhaa’-Nya, dan bahwa seorang hamba melakukan perbuatannya secara hakikat; tidak dipaksa dalam berbuat. Therefore when this house did 'adha with this tree by being built under its shade the Arabs named it 'uwwadh. ÙÙÙ Ù ÙÙØ© . You have indeed bestowed splendour and wealth upon Pharaoh and his chiefs in the life of this world, our Lord! {qluetip title=[74]}Footnote pending.{/qluetip}. Assabile vous propose aussi Tafsir Sourate et sa traduction en plusieurs langues He said, 'Does Allah not say, 'Respond to Allah and the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life.' Allah commanded our Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying: "Say: All praises and thanks are due to Allah Who has not begotten a son … " [Al-Qur'an 17:111], "All praises and thanks are due to Allah Who has removed from us all grief." ", "The person towards whom Allah displays the most Wrath, and the most despicable on the Day of Resurrection is one who was named King of Kings (malik ul-amlak) for there is no Malik except for Allah. They also stated that the reason for doing so would be to repress self-astonishment at the completion of an action of worship. ", 'I know a statement that if he were to say, what he is experiencing would leave him. At-Tirmidhi reports from Adi ibn Hatim who said: "I asked the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) about Allah's saying about, 'Those who have earned [Your] Anger', and he said, 'It refers to the Jews.' Perlu diketahui bahwa isti’anah (meminta pertolongan) terbagi dua: – Isti’anah tafwidh, meminta pertolongan dengan menampakkan kehinaan, pasrah dan sikap harap, ini hanya boleh kepada Allah saja, syirk hukumnya bila mengarahkan kepada selain Allah. Il s'agit ici du tafsir de la sourate al-Fatiha. 3361){/qluetip}. {qluetip title=[53]}Sahih Al-Bukhari (Eng. It refutes the Jahmiyyah (those who deny the Attributes of Allah). "The Lord is the One Who nourishes and sustains the whole of the Creation, meaning everything aside from Allah, by the very fact of His creating them, and His preparing for them all that they need and His favouring them with great blessings which if removed would also remove any possibility of the creation surviving. Ar Rahmaan dan Ar Rahiim merupakan nama Allah yang menetapkan adanya sifat rahmah (sayang) bagi Allah Ta’ala sesuai dengan kebesaran-Nya. This is like what our Lord, the Exalted, has said, 'They will be in the company of those upon whom Allah has bestowed His favour … ' ". They have differed concerning the statement 'with the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent,the Most Merciful.' Contoh ayat-ayat yang menerangkan lebih lanjut surat Al Fatihah. "Both of these opinions are correct for seeking refuge includes both. "You Alone do we worship" has been mentioned before "You Alone do we ask for help" because worship is the intended goal and the Aid of Allah is the route to attaining that goal, hence the most important thing has been mentioned first. With this respect is the saying of Allah: "And as for the Thamud then We guided them but they preferred blindness over guidance." These two illnesses are the lords of all the diseases of the heart. "The case mentioned above is similar to what some of them ask concerning His saying, saying, 'Allah has already guided the believer, so what benefit is there in seeking guidance?' And indeed we would then have bestowed upon them a great reward from Ourselves. Where the commentators differed, I tried to avoid mentioning the issue altogether unless absolutely necessary in which case I either mentioned all of the different opinions, or the name of the commentator from whom I took the opinion. 3. Then he grasped hold of my hand and when he intended to leave [the Mosque], I asked him, 'Did you not say that you would teach me a Surah which is the greatest Surah in the Qur'an?' [Al-Qur'an 113:1], 'Say: I take refuge with the Lord of Mankind.' What prevented you from replying to me when I named you?' His heart attaches itself to him and holds firm just as the child sticks close to its father when threatened by an enemy. Al-Albani ruled it to be da'if as in Da'if Ibn Majah (no. Yang dimaksud di ayat ini bukan sekedar memberi hidayah saja (yakni tidak hanya hidayah irsyad), tetapi juga meminta diberi taufik (dibantu menempuh jalan yang lurus). 1695), Abu Dawud (Eng. Le Coran et ses sciences. Not only this but we find that which he does have knowledge of, he does not put the greater part of it to practice! ', 'Say: I take refuge with the Lord of Mankind. The servants have no way of knowing this except through the Prophets. This is because the intent is linked to the objectives and means of attaining them. To You belongs all praise and thanks as is required due to the magnificence of Your Face and greatness of Your Authority.' Again what will make you comprehend what the Day of Din is? {qluetip title=[57]}Sahih Muslim (Eng. Similarly it affirms the Godship of Allah and this necessary necessitates the affirmation of Perfect descriptions both of His Essence as well as Actions. [5] Tentang makna Ar Rahmaan dan Ar Rahiim sudah diterangkan sebelumnya. ", "Indeed Allah has sent you Saul as a king. Disebut al-Fâtihah (pembuka), karena letaknya yang berada urutan pertama surat-surat al-Qur'ân. There a number of verses which prove that the females are included in the sound masculine plural, like His saying concerning Maryam herself: "She testified to the truth of the Words of her Lord and His Books, and she was of those obedient to Allah (Qanitin - a sound masculine plural)." Islam as stated by Ibn 'Abbas, Ibn Mas'ud, Ad-Dahhak and others. Sahl ibn 'Abdullah at-Tustori said, 'there is not route between a servant and Allah closer to Him then need. {qluetip title=[71]}Reported by Muslim (Eng. The whole of the religion of Islam revolves around these two principles: we do not worship except Allah and we do not put our trust in anyone or anything except Allah. Allah, the Exalted, also points to what we have mentioned when He said: "Ar-Rahman rose over the Throne." It teaches us about the Day of Judgement and about the recompense of our deeds. Al-Khatib reports from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Every important matter that is not begun with, 'With the Name of Allah' is deprived of good." 3/1056 no. 6636){/qluetip}. It is in this respect that Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "Alhamdulillah is the statement of every thankful [servant].". TAFSIR SOURATE AL-FATIHA - TIRÉ DES GRANDS EXÉGÈTES DU CORAN - MUSLIMLIFE TAFSIR SOURATE AL-FATIHA â TIRÉ DES GRANDS EXÉGÈTES DU CORAN â MUSLIMLIFELa sourate Al-Fatiha est le plus grand chapitre du Coran. It also carries the meaning of rida, or pleasure and is the opposite of dhamm, or blame. This He has ordained for you that you may become pious.' "Know that the one who is taking refuge with Allah, the Great from the accursed Shaytan has clung to the firm Rope of Allah. ". 2. \" Deux Noms qui prouvent qu'Allah - Le Très haut, a une grande est large miséricorde, qui cerne toutes choses et qui englobe tout être vivant. [Al-Qur'an 5:75]. ", "And His is all the praises and thanks in the heavens and the earth. {qluetip title=[44]}Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya from the hadith of Anas. It can also refer to periods of time greater than one day as in His sayings: "He arranges each matter from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend to Him in a Day the extent of which is a thousand years of those which you count." Then He will say: I am the King, where are the kings [who reigned] on the earth? Elle est lâune des plus petites sourates du ⦠[8] Na’budu diambil dari kata ‘ibaadah yang artinya kepatuhan dan ketundukkan yang ditimbulkan oleh perasaan terhadap kebesaran Allah, sebagai Tuhan yang disembah, karena keyakinan bahwa Allah mempunyai kekuasaan yang mutlak terhadapnya disertai rasa cinta dan berharap kepada-Nya. This can be seen from His words, "Lord of the Universe", for it does not befit One with such a description that He leave His creation wondering aimlessly, without guidance.
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