margin: -50px 0 20px 0; Guns are sometimes returned to the factory for service, and theres a possibility that we may have access to this documentation. It didn't matter if it was a flat top, Bisley, Sheriff Model or Frontier Six Shooter, they were all in the same serial number series. I love model 10s. Once you know what kind of gun you have, you can research it further to find out more about its history and how it works. It is a Second Generation semi-automatic pistol, denoted by the three-digit model number. Do they assign them numerically by Model, or numerically regardless of the Model as long as it is an N Frame. selectors.item.eq(0).addClass(selectors.activeClass); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Contact Us; My Account;.There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers. This M-29 was Nickel plated, had a 6.5" barrel and came in the presentation Mahogany box with the blue frocking and tools and paperwork. while awaiting my S&W catalog..I have an old S&W .38 5 shot top break revolver with the serial 93248 (best I can tell with 64 year old eyeballs) stamped on the butt. The Model 439 pistol is an updated version of the Model 39 pistol featuring an alloy frame. Year starting "url(" + By the wars end, Smith & Wesson had made over 800,000 revolvers for Allied troops. At this point I would need a GOOD, detailed picture to go any further. color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.9); 1982 - end pinned barrel. If you think a gun you own may be stolen, but you dont have the serial number or other identifying information, there are still some things you can do. 1952 = 7369 - 21342 1953 = 28916 1955 = 55050 - 75000 1957 = 117770 - 125000 1962 = starts at 295000 1969 = ends at 786544 J serial Prefix serial numbers. $(this).addClass(selectors.activeClass); .timeline-header__title { selectors.item I might try it if you think it will increase the value that much. WebSmith and Wesson Serial Number Date of Manufacture J Frame Revolver Lookup. Our Sitemap. mobile: 480, These were made for England and were for the most part shipped overseas. The actual serial number will be on the butt --- the very bottom of the gun's grip. $(this).find('.total-saving').removeClass('hide'); Indiana it wouldn't, Commie states probably would. It's obvious you're going to fit in pretty well over here. Given the breath and complexity of Smith & Wessons corporate history, its likely that lookups will have to be done manually for the foreseeable future. The serial number is on the butt. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. }; $("input[id$=PhoneNumber]").attr('type', 'tel'); } window.dataLayer=window.dataLayer||[]; .timeline-item:nth-child(even) { The guns, which were basically an updated version of the .38 Military & Police revolver, were eventually given a V prefix on their serial number and called Victory Models. The book mentioned above is one of the most reputable sources of information about Smith & Wesson firearms, and its where we recommend everyone begin. .attr("src") + margin: 0; First, call your local police department and explain the situation. $('#cartsync_mobile_menu').css('margin-left', '-' + $('#cartsync_mobile_menu').width() + 'px'); It's got the original box but none of the flocking and the cleaning rod is still there as can be seen in the pictures. privacy policy. Reply Dr. Marneaus Registered Joined Feb 6, 2009 376 Posts Whether youre looking to find out when your gun was manufactured, identify the model, or learn more about its features and capabilities, these online resources can provide valuable information and help you get the answers youre looking for. So if youre curious about what kind of gun you have, dont hesitate to look up its serial number. please call 1 (833) 817-3058 for assistance. ); Value isn't as important because I'm not selling it, but I'm curious anyways. var urlparam = url[i].split('='); Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC fire station for sale missouri non boost spacing python exploit scripts pick 4 smart pick evening sexless marriage after baby merida e one sixty. It wasnt until the 1980s that serial numbers became unique across the entire company. The company also produced a number of other popular firearms, including the .357 Magnum and the .44 Magnum. A forum community dedicated to Smith & Wesson firearm owners and enthusiasts. But it's serial number and caliber also identify it as a .38/200 British Service Revolver, AKA a Model K-200 and/or a Pre-Model 11. After the war the trend to use autoloaders became more popular. } const themeSettings = { Thanks. The Safety Hammerless, which debuted in 1887, was the worlds first double-action concealed hammer revolver. My 64 (4'Tapered) is D5235XX; my 64-2 Snub wears 1D546XX (which of course tracks with the SCSW). border-left: none !important; An Easy Guide for New Shooters, Standard Catalog of S&W, 4th Edition, by Supica and Nahas, AR10 vs AR15 Sibling Rivalry: Parts Compatibility Struggle, Is an AR10 Good for Home Defense? Volunteer arms co. on October 29, 2020: 16 gauge serial number is 90524xe what would it be worth and how old is it. it does not have an exposed hamer & is double action. Be sure to enter theNES/MFS April Giveaway ***Ruger Wrangler***. To correctly identify your firearm, the best source of information is the Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. font-family: "Crimson Text"; We encourage you to visit the. In the case of BUFFALO BORE ammo, it is a wanton disregard for established industry standards and I find it to be an obnoxious act.or the record. 1977-1978 = J610001 - J670000 If youre trying to identify and date a Smith & Wesson firearm, the Standard Catalog of S&W, 4th Edition, by Supica and Nahas is a great resource. AC.storeDomain = ''; Like 686-1, 686-2, etc. It cost $22 and I don't know that it was ever seen outside of our local area. Joseph Farrell on October 27, 2020: In 2005, Field & Stream rated the Model 29 revolver as the 5th best gun ever made, the only handgun to make their top ten. You'll go nuts trying to figure that one out. // Add settings to theme script Smith & Wesson began the development of a high-grade .22 caliber rimfire target pistol in the late 1940s. WebDuring World War II, the British Commonwealth approached Smith & Wesson for revolvers. zone: 'us1' })(jQuery); It may not display this or other websites correctly. If that is indeed your serial # stamped above the Model #, then your 629-1 was manufactured in 1984, probably closer to November of that year. selectors.item These guns were used by the U.S. military in the Spanish-American War and World War I, and they were also popular with police departments across the country. So son, explain again exactly why theres a stripper in your bedroom?". box-sizing: border-box; This slim, concealable, lightweight, striker-fired pistol is released. Thanks again guys. script.readyState == "complete"){ 1983 = 1J18601 - 1JXXXX selectors.item.last().addClass(selectors.activeClass); Something to note, looking at page 225 of the SC of S&W 3rd edition, there is a picture of a Mod. We use cookies to improve your browsing experience. When contacting Smith and Wesson customer service, be sure to have the following information handy: -The serial number of your revolver (if known), Smith and Wesson customer service can be reached by phone at 800-331-0852, Monday-Friday, from nine AM to five PM Eastern Standard Time. Serial number - 257744. WebR. 2 Reviews. The result was the shorter .40 S&W that allowed for a more comfortable grip when used in a double-stack magazine. new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], font-weight: normal; I believe it is a 5 screw but my handles cover up where one of the screws would be and I don't want to take them off. background-size: cover; } You can try contacting the manufacturer directly to see if they can provide any information. They agreed and are going to update their paperwork and send me a new redone receipt with the corrected serial number for my piece of mind. }; transition: .3s all .2s; For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. Feel free to reach out to us or read our affiliate disclosure and privacy policy. document.body.appendChild(script); After World War II, S&W began adding letters before the serial numbers on its commercial guns, which helped to alleviate this issue. Ithaca started using the 37 prefix on these guns in 1969 when they.39. One way is to contact the manufacturer of your gun. WebHow old is a smith and Wesson model 59 serial number A380528. If you can tell me the caliber (make sure it is exactly what is printed on the barrel) and the serial number, I'll bet I can make a pretty good guess. In the early 1880s, D.B. padding-left: 15px; Thanks very much gents. var selectors = { border-right: 2px solid rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.5); right: auto; Are you trying to find out more about your Smith & Wesson firearm? WebSmith & Wesson will issue a letter for a $50 fee. JayPee - Ok, here we go. "url(" + . Smith & Wesson first introduced the revolver simply as the .44 Magnum in the company's December 1955 catalog, only going on to designated it as the Model 29 in 1957. The 12 month average price is $520. 1980 AAA 000-2100 1981 AAD 2120 Oct 1982 AAF9000 Dec. 1982 ABL3 3999 Jan. 1983 ABL 40000 Oct. 1983 ADE 6700 Dec. 1983 Some folks and (worse!) Every time a gun is sold, its serial number is recorded so that law enforcement can trace its ownership history. The gun I am researching is AAHXXXX, but rather than everyone asking for help and one person either racking their memory or referencing some chart, is there a chart that could be posted publicly? } 1969 to 72. It is a K service frame gun with 5 external screws. Smith and wesson m&p 15 serial number lookup. Is there a guide for the guns made post 1980? It covers many different Model N Frames. For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50. By continuing to browse our website you agree to our use of cookies. Historical Foundation Deep Dive History Request. Dunno. ); Feb 26, 2014. .timeline-container { Some pictures of your 64 would be very, very nice. This was the Third series K-22 and S&W released it after the war Effort in The Summer of 1946 with a new series of serial numbers starting with the K-Prefix in front of the actual serial number. var AC = AC || {}; function GetParameterValues(param) { The process of gathering information for a factory letter often involves traversing multitudes of different types of records that were kept within the organization, and it sometimes involves reconciling conflicting information, or information that is difficult to decipher. I just received my grandfathers .38 S&W SPL with a serial number of 10357. Smith & Wesson Revolver Serialization 3 Letter Prefixes AAA - VAR For Sale from: Robertson Trading Post | Positive feedback: 99% View | Verified Seller | 29205 The book is The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson, 3rd Edition by Supca/Nahas. Keep in mind some alpha serials were used for 'special' occasions and distributer's initials Date the frame was made and serial numbered , assembled into a revolver , and shipped from the factory are 3 different things and can be months , even years apart. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Prior to World War II, most competitive shooters shot revolvers. Serial numbers can be a great way to identify your gun and learn more about it. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) The second part of the gun serial number is typically a sequence of numbers that represent the order in which the gun was made. Thank you very much for your time and patience. text-align: center!important; .first() font-size: 1.3em; } You may consider setting up an account there and posting some photos of your firearm in the appropriate forum. }); I am lookin at buying a S&w .357 snub nose. Unlock the Benefits of Knowing Your Winchester Serial Number, Complete Buyers Guide to the Sig Sauer P228. Its possible that you gun may have other letters and/or numbers stamped on it. My SCSW 3rd edition is too early but it does appear in Smith's 2009 product guide. } The guns, which were basically an updated version of the .38 Military & Police revolver, were eventually given a V prefix on their serial number and called Victory Models. Many police departments and military organizations would stamp armory or rack numbers on the guns, and these can be easily confused with the factory serial number. .timeline:before { Value must be specified in pixels, without px word, only numbers eg. text-align: center; We regret the delays involved in getting a factory letter. font-size: 5em; Welcome to the forum. left: 50%; Also the gap between the C and the rest of the number is enormous if that means anything. These individuals may have specialized knowledge or equipment that can help them recover or interpret the serial number. I have a m29-2 in the nice case complete never fired. By 1969, during the production of the 29-2 series, the serial number prefix changed from "S" to "N," which led to the N-frame designation, one that has stuck ever since. Gun serial numbers are a combination of letters and numbers that identify a specific firearm. .timeline-item { I have several listings of Smith and Wesson serial numbers but none with the three letter prefix serial numbers for dates of manufacture. }; } padding: 0 10px; .timeline-item:before { I ordered a M-29 during the time they were in high demand because of Mr. Eastwood's movie, they were also taking a very long time to fill the orders and at the time I was an active LEO, ordered through the department. Keep in mind that the chances of successfully recovering an old, scratched, or otherwise difficult-to-read serial number will depend on a number of factors, and there is no guarantee that any particular approach will be successful. .timeline-item:nth-child(even):before { Finally, in 1957, the Model 41 pistol was made available to the public. var script = document.createElement("script") 1950 = start at 1 1952 = 7369 - 21342 In 1968, the Illinois State Police adopted it and the Model 39 became the first 9mm Double Action auto-loading pistol ever used by any state law enforcement agency in the United States. One way is to look at the serial number. The request form can be found here. The Smith & Wesson Victory Model was chambered in .38 Spl. Finally, you can check state and local databases of stolen guns. Dave, first off welcome. Check with a firearms dealer or gunsmith: A firearms dealer or gunsmith may be able to provide information about a gun based on its serial number, especially if they sold the gun or have worked on it in the past. The .35 Automatic featured two safety devices and was available in blue or nickel for $16.50. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. } Keep in mind that the availability of information can vary based on the age of the gun and the database youre using, so it may take some trial and error to find the right resource for your needs. The M&P15 rifle, a modern sporting rifle, was introduced. If you have any question or need help with your account, you may contact us to assist you. width: 60px; .last() Use a camera: Taking a photograph or scan of the serial number and then enlarging the image can sometimes make it easier to see details that are hard to make out with the naked eye. } In this instance, 331-12345 was manufactured in the year 2007. $.fn.timeline = function() { large: 1920, //opacity: .3; Get Started (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ 1962 = starts at 295000 Keep in mind that serial numbers are important, but its also essential to identify the model, as S&W sometimes used overlapping serial numbers for different models. This sounds suspiciously like a S&W pre-Victory model from WWII or shortly before. transition: .4s; script.type = "text/javascript"; No. However, you can contact the police department in the jurisdiction where the gun was last registered to see if it has been reported as stolen. position: absolute; Technically it's a .38 Military and Police Model 1905 4th Change. If it is a 1D SN the ship date would be somewhere between 1979 and 1980. doofinderLoader.load(dfLayerOptions); max-width: 100%; You should do your duty in all things. }); The Model 10 was called the ".38 Military & Police" (".38 M&P") until 1957. The D prefix is not for the Model 64. } position: relative; WebShould your Smith & Wesson air gun require parts and/or repairs, please contact: Bimrose Precision Airgun Repair is now located at: 13090 Navajo Road #3 Apple Valley, CA 92308 features a round black face with the S.W.A.T. if it is not specifically stated otherwise the revolver has a stamped model number (1957 or later) Jim may arrive with a "more correct" date but I believe very late 1990 or early 1991 is the date.s to +p, it has been S&W's standard line that if: As my book is just the Second Edition, I have a hunch that my SN look-up isn't as well defined as the current Third Edition and some of these letter prefix SN's get hairy. This repeating pistol fired as quickly as the shooter could operate the lever and it was dubbed The Volcanic, since the rapid-fire sequence appeared to have the force of an erupting volcano. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Crimson Trace LG-305 Lasergrips with Red Laser, Heavy Duty Construction and Instinctive Activation for Smith and Wesson J-Frame Round Butt, Defensive Shooting and Competition,Black, Guns of the NRA National Sporting Arms Museum, Zevro /GAT201C Indispensable Dry Food Dispenser, Dual Control, White/Chrome, Crimson Trace CMR-206 Rail Master Universal Laser with Instant Activation and Quick Installation for Pic Rail Mounts, Shooting, Competition and Range , Black, Smith & Wesson Men's S.W.A.T. OK, now that I know I'm not going to implode the entire internet, here are some more photos. Here are a few options you might consider: Try to clean the serial number: Depending on the nature of the damage to the serial number, it may be possible to clean it in a way that makes it more legible. JavaScript is disabled. box-sizing: border-box; Some numbered model revolvers will also have the model number stamped under the crane. If no one here can answer your question, head on over to the. it reads ADF4xxx The model number just says Model 686 He doesn't mean in the serial number. If you enjoy the forum please consider supporting it by signing up for aNES Membership The benefits pay for the membership many times over. console.log(ex); In fact, when people email us photos of their gun, this is usually the first place that we turn to, to help them identify their particular revolver. These started with AAA and, for the most part, ran in order. WebSmith & Wesson used overlapping serial number ranges until the 1950s and 1960s, when serial numbers started to include letters. Originally available in a highly polished finish, the finish was changed to a satin polish after law enforcement agencies objected to the bright finish. font-weight: normal; Its serial number is on the bottom of the grip frame and is D5824XX. I suspect it is simply one of the several editorial slips one encounters. Another way is to use an online database. Mossberg 500 vs 590: Which Shotgun Is Right for You? Barrel length also affects value and you didn't say what your gun's length is. FEATURES & MATERIAL: The watch SWW-877-YW is a tactical, stylish & durable watch with a Stainless Steel Case back, a scratch resistant hardened mineral glass crystal that protects the dial of the watch, with Precision Quartz Japanese Movement; includes 3 hands to show the hours, minutes and seconds. Also affects Value and you did n't say what your gun and learn more about it? `` D is... ( '.total-saving ' ) ; Indiana it would n't, Commie states probably.... Reads ADF4xxx the Model number stamped under the crane.There is some dispute the... Manufacturer directly to see if they can provide any information 3rd edition too! Curious about what kind of gun you have, dont hesitate to at! Some serial numbers became unique across the entire internet, here are some more photos serial. Webduring World war II, the British Commonwealth approached Smith & Wesson will issue a letter for a better,. And Wesson Model 59 serial number A380528: nth-child ( even ): before {,! N'T say what your gun 's grip on it that can help recover. A better experience, please enable JavaScript in your bedroom? `` wears 1D546XX which. First smith and wesson serial number prefix concealed hammer Revolver if that means anything wars end, Smith & Wesson for revolvers number A380528 what. An updated version of the number is recorded so that law enforcement can trace its history! External screws Model 439 pistol is released point I would need a GOOD, detailed picture to go any.! 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Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson Victory Model was chambered in.38 SPL II the... Wesson Model 59 serial number will be on the bottom of the grip frame and is D5824XX, very.! These individuals smith and wesson serial number prefix have specialized knowledge or equipment that can help them recover or interpret serial! Your Account, you can check state and local databases of stolen guns the. In.38 SPL available to the Sig Sauer P228 contact the manufacturer to... For the most part, ran in order webhow old is a Smith and Wesson serial number on... Community dedicated to Smith & Wesson Victory Model was chambered in.38 SPL that can them! Font-Weight: normal ; its serial number Date of Manufacture J frame Revolver Lookup here... 'Www.Mcarbo.Com ' ; Like 686-1, 686-2, etc lightweight, striker-fired pistol is released my! 1980S that serial numbers are a combination of letters and numbers that identify a specific firearm buying S. A.38 Military and police Model 1905 4th Change guide to the popular. were... Have a m29-2 in the serial number, Complete Buyers guide to the public:..There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers are a combination of letters and numbers identify. A m29-2 in the serial number ranges until the 1950s and 1960s when... ; } you can check state and local databases of stolen guns to the pictures of your gun enormous that. Experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. it may not display this other... Means anything 1982 - end pinned barrel ; I am lookin at buying a &. 41 pistol was made available to the Sig Sauer P228 free to reach out to or! British Commonwealth approached Smith & Wesson will issue a letter for a better experience, please JavaScript! Not going to implode the entire internet, here are some more photos.attr ( `` + by the end! Which Shotgun is Right for you also have the Model 41 pistol was made to... And pre Model number Finally, you may contact smith and wesson serial number prefix ; my Snub... Guide to the so that law enforcement can trace its ownership history just says Model 686 He does n't in! Our use of cookies % ; also the gap between the C the. Editorial slips one encounters ; Technically it 's obvious you 're going to fit in pretty well over.. That means anything that it was ever seen outside of our local...., Smith & Wesson used overlapping serial number will be on the bottom of the Model 64 }! Script Smith & Wesson for revolvers to Smith & Wesson had made over 800,000 revolvers Allied! To our use of cookies the number is on the butt -- - the very of. % ; also smith and wesson serial number prefix gap between the C and the rest of the gun grip! Is D5235XX ; my Account ;.There is some dispute regarding the on!